Sans laisser d'adresse is a French film realized by Jean-Paul Chanois, release in 1950.

Personal comments : Louis de Funès is not marked in the credits but, he appears 3 minutes and 22 seconds to 1 hours, 7 minutes and 58 seconds after the beginning of the film ; he plays the role of a future father who says :
- '' Oui, moi ça fait quatre fois que je lis le même journal, j'en ai assez ".
- '' Moi, je connais une dame, c'est la soeur de la belle-soeur d'une cousine de ma femme, nous sommes parents pour ainsi dire, eh bien elle est devenu sourde à son premier accouchement ".
- '' Oh! Les femmes sont courageuses ".

♦ Synopsis :

What follows reveals key moments of the intrigue.

Emile Gauthier, taxi driver, deals in the station of Lyon, Therese Ravenaz, a provincial young person come to find with Paris the father of his child. It practically does not have money and his friend remains untraceable. When it learns that it is married and already father, it tries to commit suicide. Emile, from which the Adrienne woman comes to be confined of a girl, collects it like his little boy.

Specification sheet :


♦ Distribution :