Zorro or The New Adventures of Zorro is an American-European television series in 88 episodes of 21 minutes broadcast between January 5, 1990 to January 30, 1993 on The Family Channel. In France, the series was broadcast from May 14, 1990 to November 23, 1990 on Canal +. Replay from December 27, 1990 on Antenna 2 and in Giga. Season 3 broadcast from September 11, 1991 in Cékanon. Replay in January 1994 on Monte Carlo TMC. Replay from January 6, 2003 to October 12, 2003 on Monte Carlo TMC. The fourth season is new in French-speaking countries.

Personal comments : Louis de Funès is not marked in the credits, he does not appears of the film but, he doubles the voice of Peppe in episode 10 :

He plays :
- at 3 minutes and 18 seconds ; he says : '' Non vous n'êtes pas drôle du tout, du tout.''
- at 3 minutes and 28 seconds ; he says :
''Nos femmes, nos enfants.''
- at 4 minutes and 13 seconds ; he says : ''30 seaux pour demain mais comment !
- at 9 minutes and 8 seconds ; he says : '' Oui aller et retour (au temps des glaises) et à pieds [I'm not sure of the words in parenthesis]"
- at 9 minutes and 12 seconds ; he says : ''On doit réparer le toit des écuries ordre du commandant, monsieur !''
- at 9 minutes and 25 seconds ; he says : ''Depêche toi Pancho, nous avons encore 26 seaux à remplir."
- at 14 minutes and 58 seconds ; he says : ''Oui hier, j'ai vu un énorme morceau de crâne gros comme un éléphant."
- at 15 minutes and 6 seconds ; he says : ''Au point ou j'en suis je ne vois pas ce que ça ferait. A quoi ça sert de nous pressé. Nous n'aurons jamais fini avant le coucher du soleil."
- at 15 minutes and 22 seconds ; he says : ''C'est le gros sergent qui était renvoyé de l'armée... ou peut être parce qu'il m'a apprit à marcher."
- at 15 minutes and 38 seconds ; he says : ''Peut-être, ils nous poursuit nous si on ne se remet pas au travail."
- at 18 minutes and 6 second
s ; he says : ''On s'en fou allez vient compère."

♦ Synopsis :

Don Diego de la Vega is back in California after four years of absence, and assumes the identity of Zorro in order to defend the oppressed people under the tyrannical government of the arcade. Diego claims to have an interest only in books and the arts, and only his mute friend Felipe knows his secret.

Specification sheet :

♦ Distribution :

Main roles :

Secondary role:

